Happy New Year!

2015 was a whirlwind. Last January, I became a Mum for the first time. The scariest, most amazing experience, and the biggest shock to the system. Tentatively I entered the world of new mums, going to rhyme times and baby groups, talking about sleep (the lack of it) routines, and teething. My world diminished from being an active professional; teaching, organising photography shows and shooting, to the world of baby grows and breastfeeding.

All of a sudden, I felt the need more than ever to be creative. As well as launching Watch the Birdie, I interpreted this new experience the only way I knew how; through photography. Out of the Woods is an ongoing project which documents the birth of my son and the relationship he has with his father. I was over the moon when it got selected to be shown at White Moose Gallery in Devon, at an exhibition called Project Afterbirth, showcasing work by over 30 artists who each respond to the experience of becoming a parent through art. It felt great to have my work validated by being selected; I was amongst some great artists.


The work has since been shown at Photofusion in Brixton. I am looking to develop it this year and see where it takes me…

So that’s a look back at 2015. A year I’ll never forget, for so many reasons. Let’s see what this year brings…

Here’s wishing all my clients and readers a creative and happy 2016!

Autumn Mist

Been a bit slack updating the blog lately; but been busy teaching, organising Portrait Salon (an exhibition which showcases the work which has been rejected from the Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize) and, of course, shooting.

Over a month ago now I had the pleasure of shooting the Chambers in Crystal Palace Park on a very misty Sunday morning. The light never quite made it through, but we had fun with bubbles and Autumn colours anyway…


Cake Smash

I’ve wanted to do a cake smash shoot for some time. Fortunately, I have a friend who’s baby turned one last week. And she was totally up for letting her son get messy!

Cake Smash shoots are an new-ish trend in this country, to mark a child’s first birthday. The idea is the baby is presented with a birthday cake, which, as they’ve never seen one before, they explore it in the way only babies know how; digging into it with his hands, smearing it all over his face, and generally making a mess. The process is photographed in all its messy glory, and the images often serve as invites or thank you cards for the party.

Rather than doing this at a first birthday party, where guests may actually want to eat the cake, the Cake Smash shoots happen either a little before or after the birthday.

It was such a fun shoot; fast, but fun. After a nap, during which we set the scene, the boy didn’t hesitate to investigate the cake. Cream and cake went everywhere, so we popped him in an enamel tub I had brought along, and blew some bubbles. That went down VERY well…

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

Shinji Cake Smash

If you’d like to book a cake smash shoot, please email me or call me on 07779 036 222.

Mini Shoots!

The light is beautiful this time of year… the trees are on the turn, the sun (when it’s out!) is nice and low… creating a beautiful backdrop for portraits. So, in order to honour this and launch the family side of my business, I will be doing some mini-shoots in Crystal Palace park on Sunday 20 September.8months04

A mini shoot is a short photographic session of 30 minutes, in which I photograph you and your wonderful family. I will then upload them onto a private web gallery for you to look at, and you can download high res images from there at your will. The shoot itself is £45, and includes three free digital files; any further you’d like to download after that will be £10 each. A great opportunity to get professional photos done in time for Christmas! (Yes, it is creeping up on us and will be here before you know it…)

Times available are:
(please note the session is 30 mins; I’m leaving 15 mins between each to allow for latecomers/any overrunning)

10 am

10.45 am

11.30 am

12.15 am



If you’d like to book, you can email me on info@caroleevans.co.uk, or call me on 07779 036 222. Alternatively, contact me via my Facebook page.

The shoots will be weather permitting – although I love pics of kids splashing through puddles and brollies, it’s probably not the wisest idea!


It’s amazing how time flies. The first year in a baby’s life is such a steep learning curve (mainly for the parents!) and at the end of it you can’t imagine life without this little person who has stolen your heart.

On Sunday, I had the pleasure of photographing a party which marked the completion of the first year for five babies, whose parents had all met through an NCT group. After a week of autumnal weather, we were blessed with beautiful sunshine, and spent the afternoon in the garden with a barbecue and some bubbly…

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If you’d like me to come and photograph a first birthday party or similiar event, do not hesitate to email me or give me a call!

New Beginnings…

I’ve taken some time away from Watch the Birdie… as back in January I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It has been an amazing few months, but now I feel the need to engage brain and start working again. So, new blogging platform, new resolutions, and some plans in store…

I haven’t stopped photographing, however! As you can imagine, the first few months of my son’s life have been very well documented. So much so, my photographs turned into a little project for me, called Out of the Woods. I’m delighted that one of the images has been selected for Project Afterbirth, an exhibition at White Moose in Barnstaple. I am in the company of some very great photographers, so I’m over the moon. I’ll put the series up on my website soon…

In the meantime, I’ve been asked to photograph friends’ babies and do some family shoots, which has been a lot of fun, and is something I’m now offering as part of Watch the Birdie. I am also doing an experimental cake smash shoot in a month’s time, which I’m looking forward to!

babyflyersmallIf you’d like to get in touch about a family shoot, or you’d like me to photograph your baby, please contact me at info@caroleevans.co.uk, or call me on 07779 036 222.