Happy New Year!

2015 was a whirlwind. Last January, I became a Mum for the first time. The scariest, most amazing experience, and the biggest shock to the system. Tentatively I entered the world of new mums, going to rhyme times and baby groups, talking about sleep (the lack of it) routines, and teething. My world diminished from being an active professional; teaching, organising photography shows and shooting, to the world of baby grows and breastfeeding.

All of a sudden, I felt the need more than ever to be creative. As well as launching Watch the Birdie, I interpreted this new experience the only way I knew how; through photography. Out of the Woods is an ongoing project which documents the birth of my son and the relationship he has with his father. I was over the moon when it got selected to be shown at White Moose Gallery in Devon, at an exhibition called Project Afterbirth, showcasing work by over 30 artists who each respond to the experience of becoming a parent through art. It felt great to have my work validated by being selected; I was amongst some great artists.


The work has since been shown at Photofusion in Brixton. I am looking to develop it this year and see where it takes me…

So that’s a look back at 2015. A year I’ll never forget, for so many reasons. Let’s see what this year brings…

Here’s wishing all my clients and readers a creative and happy 2016!

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